воскресенье, 9 февраля 2020 г.


Under his label, he helped local artists such as Sensia Katjaka to produce her gospel album; Jennifer Meroro, the Okazera member and Tura Horns singer Karabo Beuty to produced her album Ndjavera, which was good on the market. To contact the copyright holder directly for corrections — or for permission to republish or make other authorized use of this material, click here. Otjinate Otjinamuinjo updated their phone number. Otjinate Otjinamuinjo was listening to Spotify. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Windhoek — The interview with the lead singer, creator, brainchild and mover supreme of the Otjinate Oviritje Group was only possible after hours, that is at six o'clock in the evening. This is how far the young man has progressed in a spell of less than three years that he has been solo. otjinate

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‎Onguaje? - Single by Otjinate on Apple Music

For now Otjinate fans can find pleasure in the CDs that the group has so far released and which it is further promoting. Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox.

Otjinate today boasts four CDs starting with his solo debut album, 'Rianga' literally translated meaning travel or roam. Otjinate says, this year he is focusing more on his performances outside Namibia.

See more of Otjinate Otjinamuinjo on Facebook. Read the original article on New Era. Publicly he became the face and voice of the hit that wherever he went otjinage popularly assumed the nickname of 'Ovinate'.


Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox. However, Otjinante have otjinafe very big label known as Otjinate Production and have been helping many local artists. Windhoek — Otjiante interview with the lead singer, creator, brainchild and mover supreme of the Otjinate Oviritje Group was only possible after hours, that is at six o'clock in the evening. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you.

SongCast | Otjinate

This year, Otjinate is also working on his eighth album that will consist of different genres, apart from Oviritje itself, for released on his birthday in September. He started with his singing career in under the band known as Ohakahana Kaitereke, which consisted of four singers, two keyboardists and three dancers.

Otjinzte Otjinamuinjo updated their cover photo. Otjinate Otjinamuinjo ogjinate their phone number. He then decided to let them talk because the more they talk about him, the more he became famous.


We publish news and views ranging from vigorous opponents of governments to government publications and spokespersons. The group's latest offering is titled 'Ondjira' with 12 tracks with one, 'Omapanga', featuring Namibian house artist, Jericho. AllAfrica is a voice of, by and about Africa - aggregating, producing and distributing news and information items daily from over African news organizations and our own ojtinate to an African and global public.

Please try again later. Until when they get their publicity and promotion right they are opting for shows where they are hired.

Jay Shetty posted an episode of a show. Sections of this page. The album will have eleven tracks and so far he has seven tracks ready. When I called him during the day he said he was busy.

Publishers named above each report are responsible for their own content, which AllAfrica does not have the legal right to edit or correct. To contact the copyright holder directly for corrections — or for permission to republish or make other authorized use of this material, click here.

Otjinate's 'Matusula' Video On the Way. That is in the absence of live performances that the group is cautious to indulge in because of their low returns.

Otjinate thrills Namibian USA festival

The CD is so titled in his belief that as you travel you meet people who make you wise on the ways of life and even help you find your way in life's maze. AllAfrica publishes around reports a day from more than news organizations and over other institutions and individualsrepresenting a diversity of positions on every topic. Well, I had to settle for the six o'clock appointment in Katutura's Spreuke Street where he is renting a room at a house just overlooking the Ovaherero Mall.

His career then started to get bigger and better leading to the release of up to seven albums in seven years. Other charming tracks is track nine, Ngunda Ouami Still Me and track eight, Puvitanda Kapuvipunda which means things usually don't turn out as planned or envisaged.

Otjinate Otjinamuinjo added an event.

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